Top 5 C++ Manipulators Every Programmer Should Know

Posted by Utkarsh Jain 2 Comments
The main purpose of C++ manipulators is to format the output. These manipulators increase the enhance ability in the program.These manipulators allow the programmer to show data in different according to his wish. Some important manipulators used in C++ are as follows:

1: endl

2: setw

3: setprecision

4: showpoint

5: setfill

To use these manipulators in a program, iomanip.h shoud be included in the program. However one manipulator called endl can be used without adding that header file. And these manipulator functions are designed to be used in conjunction with the insertion(<<) and extraction(>>) operators. For example


'endl' Manipulator:

endl is probably the most used manipulator in C++. The word endl stands for end of line and it is used to move the cursor to the beginning of next line. It works similar to '\n' escape sequence and requires no parameter.





The above line first prints "Hello" and then endl manipulator displays a new line and then "World" is printed on the next line.

'setw' manipulator:

The setw manipulator is used to display the value of an expression in specified columns. The value of expression can be string or number. If the value of expression is less than specified columns then the additional columns are left blank from left side. The word setw stands for set width.



The n indicates the number of columns in which the value is to be displayed. This specified width is just applied to the value that is inserted after it.



'setprecision' manipulator:

The setprecision manipulator is used to set the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point. It is applied to all subsequent floating point numbers written to that output stream. The value is rounded with the use of this manipulator. This manipulator has no impact on integer type variables.



The n indicates the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point.


float n=2.12345;





'showpoint' manipulator:

In C++, the decimal part of a floating-point number is not displayed if it is zero by default. The showpoint manipulator is used to display the decimal part even if the decimal part is zero. When this manipulator is set then all the floating values being used in that stream displays the trailing zeros after decimal point. There is also a noshowpoint manipulator which tells the compiler not to show decimal part if it is zero. The precision setting can be modified using the setprecision manipulator.




float a = 30;



'setfill' manipulator:

The setfill manipulator is used to replace the leading or trailing blanks in the output by the specified character. It requires one parameter to specify the fill character. The parameter can be a character constant , character variable or an integer that represents the fill character in ASCII system. The manipulator must be used with fixed width output.



Here c indicates a character or its equivalent ASCII value.


cout<<setw(18)<<setfill('@')<<"Hello World"<<endl;

cout<<setw(18)<<setfill('+')<<"Hello World"<<endl;

cout<<setw(18)<<setfill('*')<<"Hello World"<<endl;

Author Bio

Kamal Choudhary is a tech geek who writes about c++ programming tutorials on C++ Beginner. He is a student of computer science in University of Gujrat, pakistan. He loves to write about computer programming. You can find his full bio here. Follow him on twitter @ikamalchoudhary
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Windows Phone Development vs Android Development Tutorial for Beginners

Posted by Tushar Bedekar


As we all are familiar with the smartphones today covering the era of today's world.As basically there are three platforms :-

  • Windows Phone
  • Android Phone
  • IOS (Apple Phones)
Each of the platform are equally good in certain perspectives and in other some a days there is big competition between them. so lets discuss about different points about windows and android phones. 

1.Development Tools:

Android: Android app development is done mostly in Java (in a few cases with C or C++),Declarative screen design in Android is represented in an XML file which gets injected into the corresponding activity code at run time

Windows Phone: Windows phone apps support C++, C#, Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, and JavaScript.Declarative screen design in Windows Phone is represented in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML).. XAML is a declarative language, with each XML node representing a Windows Runtime object.

The first question that concerns every developer during his first steps is “how easy is it to start developping on a platform”. Assuming that you already are a windows user, things are quite easy. You have to download the SDK and the Visual Studio Express (a striped down version of the standard Visual Studio) and you are ready to start. Of course the same stands for Android too, you download eclipse, the eclipse plugin and the Android SDK and again, you are set to go. Both platforms have rich documentation but Android has an advantage to online communities like StackOverflow and mailing lists. The problems begins when you are a linux or a mac user like myself. Eclipse and the Android SDK run on all operating systems and versions, while Visual Studio runs only on Windows Vista and later. The solution of using a virtual machine is rather disappointing.

Windows Phone
Company/ Developer
Programmed in
Mostly Java (in a few cases with C or C++)
C#, VB.NET,Java Script
(C++ is not supported officially)
RunTime OS 
Windows Phone
Initial release
September 23, 2008
October 21, 2010
Supported platforms
ARM, MIPS, x86, I.MX
Default user interface
Graphical (Multi-touch)
Graphical (Metro UI)
Android SDK
Windows Phone SDK
Source model
Open source software
Android Developers Tools(ADT) plugin for eclipse
Visual Studio Templates and Blend for Visual Studio.
Development OS
Windows,Mac, and Linux FlavorsBest to work with Windows 
Language support
Multiple language support
Multiple language support

2.Layout Controls:

Layout Controls
Windows Phone 7Android Equivalent

3.Basic Controls:

Basic Controls
Windows Phone 8.1Android Equivalent

4.UI Development:

You have your tools set up, now you must start the development. Both platforms are using XML to construct the UI of an application. In fact the similarities are quite suspicious.

WindowsPhone: Windows Phone offers a great drag and drop tool and the UI creation is a straight-forward procedure.
Android: Things are a little bit more complicated on Android. There is a basic drag and drop tool, but it doesn’t do a lot of things (it can’t really), designing the UI for so many different types of Android screen sizes and shapes is -despite the tools and the good documentation- more complicated than having to support a limited and documented set of screens.

5.UI Guidelines:

Another important issue is the design guideline. 

WindowsPhone: Microsoft came with the Metro UI. I find it so attractive, and many of my friends who work on the design industry find it splendid, so I have to trust their taste.

Android: What concerns me most is that the design guidelines for Android are constantly changing (can you find anything similar between Android 1 and the Holo theme? I can’t!), you have to redesign your app often (this can be a good thing too) but I believe the Metro UI has come to stay and we won’t see any dramatic changes to the UI or the UX of the Windows Phone applications in the near future.

6.Which programming language is best?

Google made the decision to use Java as the programming language of Android to attract many Java developers. Microsoft did exactly the same, only they used C#. Cloning the good elements and coming to fix Java’s weaknesses, offering extra functionality, C# is a more modern programming language and this is a point for Windows Phone. Do not forget the power of the jars though, as the majority of Java’s extra libraries are very likely to work on Android and this is a big issue if you just think of the Apache Commons’ set of libraries. (I do not want to go deeper into programming language performance war since, let’s face it, testing execution speed of these languages on a 600mhz mobile device has little value). Memory consumption on the other side is a big thing, but Garbage Collectors on both languages do a very good job and it’s up to you to use the phone’s memory conservatively.


WindowsPhone: Speaking of emulators, Windows Phones have a big advantage here. Strangely enough (!), the Android emulator’s speed hasn’t improved over the years and is still tremendously slow. (Yes, years have passed since version 1). Windows Phone emulator works like a charm and starts at the speed of light compared to the Android emulator.

Android: Strangely enough (again) eclipse’s Android plugin and toolset is very buggy and lacks of many features. Also, many developers state that Visual Studio is a much more stable and mature IDE than eclipse, but I’m afraid I’m not in a position to confirm that :)

8.Development Cost:

And here comes another thing: cost. Not counting the cost of the operating system, since you have already paid for it

WindowsPhone: Windows Phone development has extra costs. if you want to publish an application or deploy your app on your device ,You have to pay for the full version of Visual Studio and you have to pay an annual fee (99$) which is now reduce to (19$) only due to summer offer .Good news are that if you are a student, some of these costs are withdrawn. 

Android: Android on the other hand, is significantly cheaper. You only need to pay 25$ once, and that is if you want to publish your apps on the Play store. Oh, I forgot, Android headsets are also cheaper, if you want to buy a real device!


WindowsPhone: Windows tablet does not run Windows Phone OS but it runs under windowsRT. windowsRT is a "light" version of Windows 8 that is dedicated for tablets. It does not run .exe files but only Windows store applications. But there is the Surface Pro which runs Windows 8 and .exe files. I should mention that 80% of Windows phone APIs are from windows8 APIs. So you can easily share your code between Windows Phone and Windows 8.

Note: Now WindowsPhone store 8.1 Development environment support more in common—a much larger API set, a similar app model and life cycle, a shared toolset, a common UI framework—Windows Phone and Windows Store app developer platforms truly have become one, single development platform.

Android: Android runs on smartphones, also on tablets. From the 3.0 version, Google added a bunch of APIs for larger screens so that apps will be more funny on tablet the mains components added were ActionBar and Fragments.

10.App Store Submission Process:

WindowsPhone: In order to publish windowsphone applications,There are two kinds of accounts: a developer account which will cost you 49$ and an Enterprise account which will cost you 99$(Present 19$ only due to summer special and it may be forever).The validation process will be very strict and take you about maximum 5 days and if your app is rejected, you will get an error report about what you have to change in your don't have malwares in the Windows Phone Marketplace. It's a trusted store!
For more info you may read How to submit windows phone 8 app to windows phone marketplace

Android: In order to publish Android applications, you need to have a Google Play account,that will cost you 25 USD,you have to pass through a validation process which takes only 15 to 30 minutes.Google play has a lot of malwares, that's because of the very fast validation process and the huge number of Android developers.

Note: This post is does not pointing to which platform is winner,but as a developer it is best practices to know about both platform's environment  before going to develop apps.You can still discuss with me in the "Comments " section below.

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Why Java is Platform Independent and C, C++ not !!

Posted by Tushar Bedekar 18 Comments
Most of the people have confusion regarding this Question. So I have decided to write something on this topic. Now we will go step by step whats this

What a Platform means to us

The operating system installed on the computer is known to be a platform. Each and every operating system have different structure and format. These operating systems (platforms) differs on the basis of the following factors

  • Like the way they execute the files. 
  • On the basis of system kernels
  • The way the optimize the system for best performance and make use of processor
  • On the basis of different file extensions, etc
For example, Windows operating systems executes .exe files. 
                       Linux here everything is a file. And also here there is no specific extension. Any file                            can be executable here
                       similarly, we have Unix and Mac Os  that have their own file extensions.

Platform Independent Vs Platform Dependent

Platform Independent means the program that we have developed can run / execute (show results) on any platform. That is on any operating system.

Platform Dependent means the program / software that we have developed can run /execute (show results) on a specific platform. That is on a specific operating system.

Why Java is Platform Independent and C, C++ not !!

The programming language like C and C++  do not generate any intermediate code like bytecode in java. The C and C++ generate directly Native Code which is specific to one platform or operating system. This Native code is known as object code (Machine Code ). 

As we also know that Object Code (Machine Code) generation requires some Operating system files to be included which makes it platform dependent.
Whereas in Java we have intermediate code by the name of Byte Code (not a machine code). This can is understandable by JVM (Java virtual Machine) which converts it to the object code (machine Code) . That  why in order to run Java code we need JVM installed on the device which makes java Platform independent. 

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Content Management System Using Wordpress

Posted by Tushar Bedekar
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HTML Basics

Posted by Tushar Bedekar
All the webpages in HTML are defined in terms of document object model (DOM). There are various different document of HTML known to be as a HTML tags < >. These are known to be as the elements of the HTML

  • root tag <html>    </html>
  • <head>    </head>
  • <title>    </title>
  • <body>      </body>
The <html>    </html>tag is known as root tag of a tree and rest tags are known as elements of the tree or can termed as branches of the tree. The tree here is nothing but the webpage.

Each and every page in html is defined by its Doctype deceleration. This deceleration may be optional in some HTML versions. The Doctype deceleration help the browser to display the contents of the webpage correctly in the way that is needed by the developer of the webpage.

<head>    </head>  the program or the code/ statement written inside the head tags is only for the browser, that is it is not displayed on the web browser. Here the developer can define the metaname  which is discussed later. meta content and favicon image and other links etc. CSS (cascade style sheets) is also being putted here.

<title>    </title>   it is used to declare the title of the webpage. for example for this webpage the title tag can be written as 
<title> Advance Computing And Programming </title>

<body>    </body> the content that is to be displayed on the webpage is being written here. various different types of tags are used in this section to display different element of the webpage. Advance collection is being discussed later.


<!DOCTYPE html>

<h1> FirstHeading </h1>
<p>My Name is Tushar Bedekar</p>


Key Note:-

  • The HTML files are stored with .html extension
  • The Homepage of any webpage is Index.html
  • This webpage HTML code can be viewed by pressing Ctrl + U 
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Guide to Finding the Best Spying Apps

Posted by Tushar Bedekar 2 Comments

When we live in a world where fraud and deceit dwell at every single corner, it is hard to find reliable spy software for phone or other similar device. Plus, with their demand on the rise, it is getting harder every day to discern the good applications from the bad ones when you have the safety of your loved ones at stake.
When you are looking for reliable spy software, you should be concerned about two things.
  1. You need to buy good and reliable software that is easy to use, untraceable and safe.
  2. You need to find a program that matches your requirements in terms of it monitoring methods as well as its compatibility with the target phone.
Unfortunately, buying good mobile monitoring software can be slightly tricky. Not because of its compatibility with the target phone and its accessibility from a remote server, but because of its reliability. You know quite well what mobile phones are being used for now a days. From picture messages to Facebook chats, unless you are using reliable spy software, you are at the risk of releasing your personal data to the entire world.

How to discern a Good Spy Application or a Bad one?

This, even though just might be one of the most sought out question of them all when it comes to spy applications, but it also is the one where you cannot find much information about. Therefore, we are here to help you out of this tight spot and help you recognize a good spy application.

·         Evaluating Software Companies

Now this is the tricky part, one that you cannot figure out without expert advice – evaluating a software company.  Here are a few tips about what to look for in spy software.
-        Whether the software has a bug-free, professional looking site?
-        Does the site provide you with the company’s contact information i.e. the phone number, address, email, etc?
-        Does it respond to a live chat quickly?
-        Do they reply to your email or a call with a personal response?
-        Do they have reliable looking Facebook and twitter pages that are regularly updated?
-        What information do they provide on the site?
-        Do they give detailed information about how to install and use the software?
-        Do you need to look for further information or their FAQ answers most of your queries?
If, based on the site and software in question, most of the fore-mentioned questions are answered in yes instead of no, then the software may just be reliable.

  • Look Them Up
One of the best, even though it may just be the most manipulated medium as well, to establish a product’s web presence is to Google it. If it is a reliable website, it will show up on the first page of search results, and if not, then you know they answer.
Plus, steer clear of the spy software about which you cannot find any sort of information. Also, do not believe anything that you read about software point blank, read everything about the product and then make up your own mind about it.

  • Online and User Generated Reviews
Reviews, by both the experts and the user of that particular software, is a good way to learn more about a product, since the review writers are not trying to sell the product, but merely share their own opinion about the product they have evaluated or used.
But, the thing is, most of these reviews are actually phony and a sham, written by people who have never used the product and are being paid to do so. Thus, use your own judgement here as well, when it comes to spy software like TheOneSpy, who reliability and quality we can swear on.
Still, we stand by what we said, user generated reviews are usually reliable when posted on sites like Amazon, since they wouldn’t someone leave a review who hasn’t actually bought the product in question.

  • Pricing and Term Contracts
Mostly, the best spy applications have similar pricing structures since they are in competition, therefore their rates do not vary much. But, if you find a deal that is too good to be true and offers things like;
-        Free
-        Cheap
-        Half Price if you order right now.
-        One-time payment
-        Free Lifetime upgrades
Then, shut the site immediately and swear to never open it again as long as you shall live.
This might sound extremely harsh in your opinion, but this is what spy software industry has come to. Even though you might feel at times that the person selling the said product is saying the truth, you can never be 100% sure of it. Most sites are here to make a quick buck by selling you faulty spy software and then earn a little more by leaking out your personal data. Thus, tread carefully. These are dangerous passages.

Author Bio:

 Angelica is tech geek as well as a Content manager and Social Media enthusiastic. She is extremely passionate and result driven professional. She writes for TOS blog. Follow her on twitter @angelicadowson2

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How We Can Have a Nested Return In a Function

Posted by Tushar Bedekar
Let us First Understand what is required and what the question is all about.Actually we are discussing about nested return in the function. that is return within the return  so follow is the programme which is conveying the same.Her we have taken the two function name "Factorial" and "Sum" which are calculating the factorial of a number and the result of the factorial  is returned to the function name sum which is calculating the sum of any number

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int factorial();
int sum();

int main(int a)
    int c;
    printf("\"enter the a number\"");

    printf("The required result is %d \n",c);
    return 0;

int factorial(int y)
    int i,fact=1;
    printf("The factorial of a number is %d \n",fact);
    return fact;

int sum( int x)
    int result,k;
    printf("enter the number whose factorial is required \n");
    return result;

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Difference Between Procedure Oriented Programming (POP) & Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Posted by Tushar Bedekar

Procedure Oriented ProgrammingObject Oriented Programming
Divided IntoIn POP, program is divided into small parts called functions.In OOP, program is divided into parts called objects.
ImportanceIn POP,Importance is not given to data but to functions as well as sequence of actions to be done.In OOP, Importance is given to the data rather than procedures or functions because it works as a real world.
ApproachPOP follows Top Down approach.OOP follows Bottom Up approach.
Access SpecifiersPOP does not have any access specifier.OOP has access specifiers named Public, Private, Protected, etc.
Data MovingIn POP, Data can move freely from function to function in the system.In OOP, objects can move and communicate with each other through member functions.
ExpansionTo add new data and function in POP is not so easy.OOP provides an easy way to add new data and function.
Data AccessIn POP, Most function uses Global data for sharing that can be accessed freely from function to function in the system.In OOP, data can not move easily from function to function,it can be kept public or private so we can control the access of data.
Data HidingPOP does not have any proper way for hiding data so it is less secure.OOP provides Data Hiding so provides more security.
OverloadingIn POP, Overloading is not possible.In OOP, overloading is possible in the form of Function Overloading and Operator Overloading.
ExamplesExample of POP are : C, VB, FORTRAN, Pascal.Example of OOP are : C++, JAVA, VB.NET, C#.NET.
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