Types of Cloud Computing

Posted by Tushar Bedekar
Basically cloud computing is divided into 3 categories.

  • SaaS (software as a service)
  • PaaS (Platform as a service)
  • IaaS (Infrastructure as a service)

Software as a service - SaaS

SaaS s a software that is centrally hosted and managed for the end customer. It is usually based on a multi tenant architecture - a single version of the application is used for all the customers. It can be scaled to a multiple instances to ensure the best performance at all the locations. SaaS Software is typically licensed through a monthly or annual subscription.
Example :- Microsoft Office 365 is a prototypical model of SaaS. Other example are                                    Dropbox,WordPress and Amazon Kindle.

Platform as a Service - PaaS

With PaaS, you deploy your application into an application-hosting environment provided by the cloud service vendor. The developer provides the application, and the PaaS vendor provides the ability to deploy and run it. This frees developers from infrastructure management, allowing them to focus strictly on development.

Infrastructure as a Service - IaaS  

An IaaS cloud vendor runs and manages server farms running virtualization software, enabling you to create VMs (Virtual Machines) that run on the vendor’s infrastructure. Depending on the vendor, you can create a VM running Windows or Linux and install anything you want on it.
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What Is SAP

Posted by Tushar Bedekar 2 Comments


SAP stands for Systems Applications and Products in Data ProcessingSAP SE is a German multinational software corporation that makes enterprise software to manage business operations and customer relations. Today Large number of companies are using SAP software to manage their day to day business activities.

SAP modules
  • SAP was founded around 1972 by five IBM engineers Hopp, Wellenreuther, Hector , Tschira and Plattner.
  • There are different products of SAP.

  1. SAP R/3 and R/3 enterprise.
  2. SAP business suite.
  3. SAP ERP (Enterprise Resourse Planning).
  4. SAP industry Solutions
  5. SAp xApps.
  6. SAP solution Manager.

  • There are different versions of SAP.

  1. SAP R/1.
  2. SAP R/2.
  3. SAP R/3.

  • Here R Stands for real time processing.
  • Basically the SAP is a 3 layered architecture.(Presentation - Application - Database) 
  • All these versions differ by the combination of these layers. 


It is one tier architecture in which three layers are installed in one system/server.


Here there are two system/server.The presentation and Application layer is combined to form one layer. and there is separate layer for database.

SAP R/3.

Here all the three layers are installed on 3 different server systems.

There are different Modules in SAP which are divided into two categories

  1. Functional Modules.
  2. Technical Modules.

Functional Modules of SAP.

  • FICO- Finance & Control.
  • PP- Production Planning.
  • MM- Material Management.
  • SD- Sales & Distribution.
  • HR- Human Resource.
  • CRM- Customer Relation management.

Technical Modules of SAP

  • ABAP- Advanced business application programming.
  • XI- Exchange Infrastructure.
  • Net Viewer
  • Basis
  • BIW - Business information warehousing.

In the next article You will learn about Introduction to SAP (ABAP) Advanced Business Application Programming 

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What Is Object Oriented Programming Lanugages

Posted by Tushar Bedekar
There are basically two eras of the programming languages to which we have seen which are as follow:-

  • Structured (procedure) oriented programming language
  • Object oriented programming language
There are many structure oriented programming languages such as C, Cobol, Pascal, Assembly languages etc. where we make use of functions (procedures) and supposed to write the programme sequentially with the data and functions mashed up in the form of the sequential statements.
Here in the procedures oriented language the data is allowed to flow freely in the programme.A confusing statement. To understand it let's take an example we have a programme which consist of global variable declaration and being assessed by the two or more number of functions as given bellow

int a=10;

int add()
int b=5;

int sum()
int c=7;

int main()
return 0;

as here we are seeing that the different functions sum() and add() are modifying the value of the (global variable a).Also as the function sum() is being executed after add().So due to which the value of variable a gets changed before the execution of sum(). This actually the free flow of the data within the different functions.

This drawback is being removed by the object-oriented programming language which binds the data and functions together. This data and function bounded together was collectively known as object.

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