Introducing Windows 10

Posted by Tushar Bedekar

Windows 10 is full of new features and improvements which combine the power of both windows 7 and windows 8/8.1. Windows 10 comes with a large number of great features that has made it so use full to us. Also, we are seeing on a daily news that Microsoft is continuously upgrading its fully featured windows 10 with differents builds and new features. Let`s have a look at some of its great features.

Return of Start menu

The Start menu that we used to see in windows 7 is back—and it’s more personal, more organized, and more fun than before. We can make searches on our own computer as well as on an internet which is one of the great features of windows 10. Also, apps and other stuffs are more organised than before.  

                    Image of Start menu

Select the Start Start icon button on the taskbar. You'll find your most used apps on the left, the All apps list, and shortcuts to other locations on your PC, like File Explorer and Settings. Also one of the great feature of start menu is that you can resize and label is as per your requirements. which allows you to stay organised. 

Get apps, music, and more at one Place  

                Image of Windows Store

The company has also made changes in its store logo as well its interface. The Store is a one-stop shop for music, videos, games, and apps. You can try out an app before you buy it, or pick a free one. Your Windows 10 apps will work on all your Windows 10 devices. So sign in with your account and have fun.

Cortana Make you more Productive

Cortana, your personal assistant, is right on your desktop. Previously it was launched for windows 8.1 Mobile but now it is powering windows PC. Ask her to set up a meeting or send an email to a friend. She can even find your files for you and tell you jokes. Select the search box and type what you want Cortana to do, or just select the microphone to talk with her instead.

                Screenshots of Cortana

Cortana is only available in certain countries/regions, and some Cortana features might not be available everywhere. If Cortana isn't available or is turned off, you can still use search.

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge is the first browser that lets you take notes, write, doodle, and highlight directly on webpages. Also it is fast and more productive browser than other browsers due to its additional featurs. Use the reading list reading list icon to save your favorite articles for later, then read them in reading view reading view icon. Hover over open tabs to preview them, and bring your favorites and reading list with you when you use Microsoft Edge on another device. Plus, Cortana is built into Microsoft Edge to help you do things faster and easier.

                  GIF showing the tab preview feature.

Where you can type, you can write

Microsoft Edge isn't the only app you can write in. Use your tablet pen, finger, or your mouse to write everywhere you could type before. Or just doodle in OneNote. 

             Screenshot of notes and highlighted sentences on a webpage

Sign in and greet the day with Windows Hello

This is one of the great feature of windows 10 which provide added security other than simply typing the passwrod for signning up the windows. If it’s available on your device set it up as follows, Windows Hello changes how you sign in—it uses your face or fingerprint instead of a password. Go to Settings  > Accounts > Sign-in options to set it up.

           Screenshot of Windows Hello lock screen.

All your photos in one place

No more endless searching. The Photos app collects all your photos and videos in one place. From your phone, and your PC, and OneDrive. Then, it organizes your memories into albums for you to enjoy and share. Also you can edit the photos at the same place and upload it again.

                Image of photos

  • Note:- The reference has been take from Microsoft windows 10 Site.
  • Also some Images has also been taken from internet.
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Class In Object oriented Programming languages

Posted by Tushar Bedekar
Basically, there  are various different definition of the classes in object-oriented programming language. Some basic definition are as follows:-

  • The class is said to be the collection of an object.
  • The class is said to be the collection of the data members and their member functions that are used to access and modify those data members.
  • The class is sometimes said to be the blueprint of an object.
     class Box
       double length;   // Length of a box
       double breadth;  // Breadth of a box
       double height;   // Height of a box
The C++ makes use of the keyword class followed by its identifier(Name of the class). Basically the class is said to be the collection of similar kind of an object.

The C++ classes have 3 different types of access specifier. They are as follows:
  • Public 
  • Private 
  • And protected. 

Keywords: private and public

Keyword private makes data and functions private and keyword public makes data and functions public. Private data and functions are accessible inside that class only whereas, public data and functions are accessible both inside and outside the class. This feature in OOP is known as data hiding. If programmer mistakenly tries to access private data outside the class, compiler shows an error which prevents the misuse of data. Generally, data are private and functions are public.

Keyword: Protected

But however the C++ makes use of another special kind of keyword (access specifier) Protected which is used to hide the data members and members function from being accessed from other class but allows the access from only the child class.

Data Members:

data member may be of any type, including classes already defined, pointers to objects of any type, or even references to objects of any type.Data members may be private or public, but are usually held private so that values may only be changed at the discretion of the class function members.

Member Function:

Member functions are operators and functions that are declared as members of a class. Member functions do not include operators and functions declared with the friend specifier. These are called friends of a class. You can declare a member function as static; this is called a static member function.

Further Topics will be covered in the next post.If you have any doubt regarding this section fell free to contact us     you can also join us at  Discussion Forum or E-mail us at
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What is Cloud Computing

Posted by Tushar Bedekar

Cloud Computing: Meaning and Implications.

Cloud computing represents a new revolutionary organizing principle for computing. It is new because of its scale and revolutionary because of its consequences. For instance, it liberates individual and institutions from owning a computing device or infrastructure but still make them capable of accessing computing resources. Today an developer can avail and access and meet computational needs from outside by way of cloud computing services and  without building or buying her own computing infrastructure.  

Cloud computing builds resources in large and supply in retail. For example, a user in cyber center is availing a service such as email- Gmail or Hotmail. Cloud computing separates developing computing from its consumption. In doing so it has created an entire spectrum of industries - 
  • Infrastructure as a service-  business of building and supplying basic computational resources such as computing, storage -
  • Platform as a service-  business of providing computing resources and environment for building and operating services

  • Software- as a service - business of developing and offering software

Cloud Computing: Physical Meaning

Cloud computing is new service paradigm. It refers to the provision of computational resources on demand via a network.In its practical and most widely known form this network is the Internet. However cloud can be developed and deployed on network which not necessarily the Internet. When done that way, cloud may resemble a kind of VPN.. The central idea behind cloud computing model is derived and can be can be compared to the supply of electricity and gas, or the provision of telephone, television and postal services. All of these services are presented to the users in a simple way that is easy to understand without the users needing to know how the services are provided. In other words,  benefits are for users and burden is for the provider.  The details workings of a system behind a service always remains a mystery for the end user.

Example: A letter posted in Bangalore will reach its destination say in Gujarat using postal network consisting of many points where it gets bagged( putting into a bag meant for a destination) and debugged ( when a letter is removed from a bag when it has to reach a different destination).  

However, postal service seeker is not concerned with these detail. Her only one objective is to send/receive a letter. The behind the scene mechanism always remains mystery but she is given a simple interface A post office to send her letter. This simplified view is called an abstraction. Similarly, cloud computing offers computer application developers and users an abstract view of services that simplifies and ignores much of the details and inner workings. A provider's offering of abstracted Internet services is often called as Cloud. 

Cloud Computing In a Nutshell:-

Cloud computing is a multi-perspective and multi-dimensional phenomenon.  The answer to the question “What is cloud computing “is depends on who is answering that question. However, the most widely known perspective on cloud computing projects it as a service delivery model that uses the Internet as the common interface to reach its beneficiary. The beneficiary of cloud computing service could be a citizen, consumer or a learner depending on whether it is used by a government, business or university. When applied to business, cloud computing assumes a sharper form and becomes service composition, delivery and consumption model. 

The categories of services that a business can deliver using cloud computing is currently limited to three (although some are on the horizon) and is known as “service models”. The different purposes for which an enterprise can build a cloud computing infrastructure and ways in which it can  determine its scope and access is described in cloud “deployment models” and at,present there are four ways in which this can be done. The cloud computing phenomenon because of its huge scope and deep potential to participate in virtually all human affairs – banking to education to health and others is tackling all important and perpetually concerned issues such as cloud security and trans-border business aspects. In sum cloud computing is a living and affecting lives of many. 

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